Mission Statement:
The mission of Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, Inc. is to support, empower and promote the welfare of the citizenry in civic, cultural, economic, education, health, housing, political, religious, youth and human affairs.
Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People Inc. (DCABP Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community-based organization established in 2014. DCABP Inc. has stood at the forefront to champion Social Justice and Racial Equity (SJ/RE) since its inception. DCABP Inc. initiatives prioritize focus areas in Civic, Economic, Health, Housing, and Youth/Education. We are supported by dedicated staff, college student interns, and volunteers.
DCABP Inc. committees implement vital programs within Durham’s much neglected minority communities. DCABP Inc. has led numerous voter education drives and forums to promote civic participation among Durham’s minority population. DCABP Inc. helped to sponsor and co-host “Community Conversations of Racial Equity” workshops held at the Holton Center. The workshop enabled residents to discuss safety and equity for marginalized populations in the education system. DCABP Inc. has also assisted underprivileged minority families learn about the homeownership process and to recognize injustices such as redlining.
Our organization was established to serve and support the Black citizenry of the City and County of Durham. The principal function of our organization shall be to promote the health and general welfare of the citizens of the city and county of Durham, North Carolina and surrounding areas, with a particular emphasis on the needs of youth, Black and other minority communities and persons of low wealth and income. In promoting the welfare of that citizenry in civic, cultural, economic, educational, health, housing, human rights and youth affairs, these categories shall be considered as “Black Affairs” whenever they affect the Black population of our community or any of its individuals in any special manner by reason of race.
Serving as the 501 c3 nonprofit fiscal administrator for the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People (DCABP), a community-based organization founded in 1935, DCABP Inc. works in cooperation with other public and private groups, to improve civic, cultural, economic, educational, health, housing, legal affairs, human rights and youth affairs conditions in this community. To learn more about DCABP's proud history, legacy and current activities, view the "DCABP - Celebrating the Legacy" video below, along with a 1-min Vignette. For more, visit the website > www,dcabp.org.
Click image below to view video
Click image below to view vignette
Frederick Ravin Chairman
Michael Palmer Vice-Chairman
Rosa Anderson At-Large
Omar Beasley At-Large
Reginald Boney At-Large
Deborah Bryson At-Large
Danielle Caldwell At-Large
Floyd McKissick At-Large
Shea Ramirez At-Large